Code of Ethics

I will serve the best interests of my clients with professionalism and integrity

I will maintain the highest level of confidentiality and privacy.

I will use testimonials and feedback from clients only with their permission.

I will share my insights with honesty, compassion and transparency.

I will always provide readings in a non-judgemental manner.

All clients must be at least 18 years old.

I use Tarot and Astrology for guidance on most areas of life.  However, I do not read on topics I am not qualified in such as medical, legal or financial matters and will encourage clients to seek out qualified professionals.

To protect the privacy of others, I won’t read on third party questions (eg Does Bill really love Sue?)  Instead, where possible I will rephrase the question to focus the reading on what is directly related to the client I am reading for.  Nor will I use someone’s birth data without their consent.

I can provide guidance and insight but will not make definitive predications that take away the free will of my clients.

I use Astrology and Tarot to gain insight around general themes and archetypal possibilities. I do not make any guarantees about the future nor am responsible for any outcomes based on our communication.

I allow my clients to take responsibility for their choices and actions.

My sessions and my client list are held in the strictest confidence. Any information shared in a session is completely private, unless there is an imminent threat of danger to self or others. To protect my client’s privacy, in most cases, I will not conduct a reading with anyone other than the client unless I obtain the client's consent.

I reserve the right to refuse service if for any reason the service is not suited to the person or their situation or appropriate for either party.  I am not obligated to accept every request made and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason, with or without stating a cause.

I am trained in a set of techniques and includes such things as using the Whole Sign Houses, and traditional planetary rulers.  I reserve the right to refuse using other forms of Astrology and Tarot that are beyond the scope of my expertise.


Whilst I believe in the value of my astrological and tarot skills by law, I do not make any claims to the effectiveness or quality of these services.  They are for your entertainment purposes only. The information and insight provided is a guide only, and should not replace advice from trained medical, financial or other industry experts. Any advice, conversation or information that you receive from me personally is strictly open to your own personal interpretation.

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